Dianabol (Methandienone)

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Dianabol – Enhance Muscle Growth and Performance

Achieve rapid muscle gains and boost your strength with Dianabol, the powerful anabolic supplement designed for bodybuilders and athletes.

Why Buy Dianabol? Key Features:

  • Promotes rapid muscle growth
  • Enhances strength and stamina
  • Supports faster recovery after workouts
  • Increases protein synthesis
  • Improves nitrogen retention for better muscle mass
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What results can you expect from using Dianabol?

The results of using Dianabol can be significant, especially during a bulking cycle. From our experience, steroid users typically gain 4-12 kilograms (9-26 pounds) of muscle mass in the first 4-6 weeks. In terms of strength gains, many experience a 20-30% increase in major lifts such as bench press or squats during this same period. 

Since Dianabol causes water retention in the body, it is not suitable for cutting. It gives large, massive muscles which are quite visible.

The fast-acting nature of Dianabol, coupled with its ability to produce noticeable strength and size increases, makes it a go-to option for individuals seeking quick, apparent results and substantial muscle growth.

Detailed Description

Dianabol (17 alpha-Methyl-17 beta-hydroxy-androsta-1,4-dien-3-one) is an orally administered steroid that has a powerful effect on protein synthesis. It’s extremely effective, which explains its popularity among bodybuilders who have been using it successfully for decades.

Most beginner steroid users are apprehensive about injections, so oral steroids can offer a solution to this concern. However, it’s important to be aware that oral preparations are generally more harmful, as they put a greater strain on the liver due to their toxicity.

Dianabol is known for its ability to promote rapid muscle growth, which it achieves by enhancing protein synthesis and improving nitrogen retention in muscles. Whether you’re aiming for quick mass gains or looking to improve your overall performance, Dianabol provides an unparalleled boost to help you reach your goals faster.

Designed for serious athletes and bodybuilders, Dianabol not only aids in increasing muscle mass but also improves strength and endurance, allowing you to surpass your limits even during the most intense workouts. Its fast-acting formula ensures that you’ll see visible results within just a few weeks, making it an ideal choice for those looking to achieve noticeable progress in a short period of time.

Technical Specifications

Property Specification
Active Ingredient Methandienone
Dosage 20-40mg per day
Cycle Duration 4-6 weeks
Form Oral tablets
Recommended for Bulking, Strength Gain
Suitable for Bodybuilders, Athletes

Dianabol Benefits

  • Fast Muscle Growth Dianabol is developed to help our organism rapidly and efficiently build muscles by allowing the increasing of our body’s protein synthesis rate. That means it would be able to restore faster and grow muscles, and we can get a bigger and stronger body in less time. It is great during bulking phases when time is more than crucial. This itself makes Dianabol one of the most resorted-to drugs because many of us notice increased muscle mass in as little as a few weeks. 
  • Increase Strength and Endurance Dianabol isn’t only great when it comes to building muscle mass. It enhances the retention of nitrogen within the muscles, which itself holds the key for upping one’s strength and endurance level. With this, we can do more with a workout, be able to manage heavier weights, and do more reps without getting tired that easily. Increased strength and endurance drive us to put in a better performance during training sessions for better gains in the shortest possible time frame. Be it personal records or just beating our personal limits, Dianabol makes that achievable.
  • Ensures Faster Recovery After Workouts One of the most valuable benefits of Dianabol is its ability to speed up recovery after hard sessions of training. We feel less muscle soreness and less fatigue, which means we can get into the gym sooner and maintain a higher frequency of training. With quicker recovery, we’re in a position to train more frequently without being compromised in performance. Dianabol keeps the high-intensity workout going, ensuring we don’t get left behind in building our muscles.
  • Increased Protein Synthesis Muscle growth and recovery importantly require protein synthesis, and Dianabol does its best to enhance the process. Because of this improved ability of the body to synthesize proteins, nutrients consumed can be effectively transformed into muscle, hence the increased rate of muscle masses. In addition, this kind of supplement would mean that more energy one invests in one’s workouts and dieting leads to greater returns in building muscles.
  • Increases Nitrogen Retention for Enhanced Muscle Mass Dianabol optimizes the retention of nitrogen in our body, which is a critical constituent in the growth of muscles. A positive balance creates an anabolic environment which enables the body to build and retain better muscle tissue. Thus, by improving nitrogen retention, Dianabol helps us stay in the anabolic or so-called muscle-building state, which in time will result in denser and more defined muscular tissues.

Dianabol Side Effects

  • Water Retention The most common side effect of Dianabol is water retention in the body. This can lead to a slightly puffy appearance and increased blood pressure. The water retention is caused by hormonal changes, particularly the increase in estrogen levels. Taking Proviron can significantly reduce water retention and help achieve a more defined physique.
  • Liver Damage As this is an oral steroid, it is processed through the liver, which in turn can cause liver damage over time, mainly with long-term use or high dosages. During a Dianabol cycle, high dosages are to be avoided and under no circumstance is one to use this drug beyond a period of 8 weeks. When Dianabol reaches 50mg per day, its side effects multiply while muscle growth will not improve much further.
  • Gynecomastia (Male Breast Enlargement) Dianabol can convert to estrogen in the body, which may lead to breast enlargement in men. This results from hormonal imbalances, mainly due to increased estrogen levels. Taking Nolvadex and/or Arimidex can reduce the risk of gynecomastia to almost zero.
  • Acne and Oily Skin Dianabol increases the skin’s sebum production, which can result in acne and oily skin. This is a consequence of increased androgenic activity. We can manage the appearance of acne with regular skin exfoliation.
  • Hair Loss For those genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness, Dianabol can accelerate the process of hair thinning. This effect is caused by higher levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
  • Decrease in Natural Testosterone Production The use of Dianabol suppresses natural testosterone production, as the body detects the presence of external anabolic hormones, which can cause hormonal imbalances in the long term. This is why proper Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is crucial after a Dianabol cycle.

Dianabol Dosage 

Dianabol, popularly known as Methandrostenolone, is a very powerful oral anabolic steroid. It is mainly taken by bodybuilders to perform bulking. The right dosing will help in maximizing the benefits by minimizing effects. 

Recommended Dosage:

For beginners, the daily dose of Dianabol typically ranges between 20-30 mg, to be taken over a period of 4-6 weeks.

Advanced users can increase it, but exceeding 50 mg a day greatly increases the possibility of side effects-which is not recommended at all.

Due to the rather short half-life of Dianabol (3-5 hours), the dosage is taken a few times throughout the day for better efficiency of blood levels.  It’s advisable to take it after meals to avoid stomach issues.

Level Week Dianabol / day
Beginner 1-6 20-30 mg
Advanced 1-6 30-50 mg

Dianabol Combinations for Bodybuilders

Dianabol is often combined with other substances to maximize results. These combinations enhance muscle mass and strength gains while reducing the risk of side effects.

  • Testosterone: A common pairing with Dianabol is testosterone (such as testosterone enanthate or cypionate) to amplify the anabolic effects. The typical dosage of testosterone is 250-500 mg per week for 10-12 weeks.
  • Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone): Another popular combination is with Deca-Durabolin, which aids in increasing lean muscle mass and reducing joint pain. The usual dosage of Deca is 200-400 mg per week for 10-12 weeks.

What Kind of Cycles Can You Do With Dianabol?

Here are a few additional combined steroid cycles for various goals, such as bulking for beginners and advanced users, strength gains, and cutting. Each cycle uses different steroids and dosing methods depending on the desired results. 

However, keep in mind that everyone’s body reacts differently, so it’s crucial to listen to how your body responds and adjust as needed. Always prioritize your health over quick gains.

1. Beginner Bulking Cycle (Dianabol + Testosterone Enanthate)

This simple cycle is recommended for beginners, with the main goal of increasing muscle mass quickly and effectively. The combination of testosterone and Dianabol results in significant muscle gains in a short period.

Week Dianabol (daily) Testosterone Enanthate (weekly)
1-6 25-30 mg 300-400 mg
7-12 300-400 mg

Goal: Rapid muscle mass increase for beginners.

I’ve seen many newcomers make great strides with this combo, but make sure to keep a close eye on side effects, especially water retention.

2. Advanced Bulking Cycle (Dianabol + Testosterone + Deca-Durabolin)

For advanced users, this cycle combines Dianabol, Testosterone, and Deca, providing even greater muscle mass and strength gains.

Week Dianabol (daily) Testosterone (weekly) Deca-Durabolin (weekly)
1-6 30-50 mg 500 mg 400 mg
7-12 500 mg 400 mg

Goal: Significant muscle mass and strength gains for advanced users.

From personal experience, this combo can deliver impressive results, but it’s essential to maintain a good diet and rest enough between workouts to maximize gains without burning out.

3. Strength Cycle (Dianabol + Trenbolone + Testosterone)

This cycle is aimed at users who primarily seek strength gains, not just size. Trenbolone is a powerful anabolic steroid that boosts strength and quality muscle mass.

Week Dianabol (daily) Testosterone (weekly) Trenbolone Acetate (weekly)
1-6 30 mg 400 mg 200-300 mg
7-12 400 mg 200-300 mg

Goal: Maximal strength gains with smaller but high-quality muscle mass.

I’ve seen this cycle work wonders for powerlifters, but Tren can be quite harsh, so ensure you’re taking the right steps to manage side effects, especially with aggression and sleep issues.

4. Cutting Cycle (Dianabol + Winstrol + Testosterone Propionate)

This cycle is ideal for those who want to maintain or increase muscle mass while reducing body fat and achieving a leaner physique. Winstrol and Testosterone Propionate help preserve lean muscle, while Dianabol adds some mass and strength during the cutting phase.

Week Dianabol (daily) Testosterone Propionate (weekly) Winstrol (daily)
1-6 20-30 mg 100 mg (EOD) 30-50 mg
7-12 100 mg (EOD) 30-50 mg

Goal: Maintaining lean muscle mass while reducing body fat percentage.

Personally, I find this cycle to be a nice balance for those trying to maintain muscle while getting lean, but pay attention to joint discomfort that Winstrol can sometimes cause.

5. Bulking and Strength Cycle (Dianabol + Anadrol + Testosterone)

This advanced cycle is designed for maximum size and strength gains. The combination of Anadrol and Dianabol offers strong anabolic effects, while testosterone maintains muscle mass and strength.

Week Dianabol (daily) Testosterone (weekly) Anadrol (daily)
1-4 30 mg 500 mg 50 mg
5-6 30 mg 500 mg 100 mg
7-12 500 mg

Goal: Maximum muscle mass and strength increase in a short period.

This is one of the most powerful bulking stacks I’ve seen, but you should be prepared for some heavy water retention, which can mask muscle definition until after the cycle. Stay hydrated and monitor your blood pressure regularly.

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT):

Remember: It’s critical to follow up each cycle with Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) to ensure your hormone levels recover properly. While these cycles can bring impressive results, don’t neglect your health and well-being in the process.

The most common PCT drugs are Clomid, HCG, and Nolvadex. PCT typically lasts for 3-4 weeks after completing the cycle.

Dianabol Prices

Looking to buy dianabol? You’ve come to the right place!

The cost of Dianabol will vary broadly depending on a number of factors, including product form, location, and supplier reliability. 

A 100-tablet bottle of 10mg tablets typically ranges between $50 and $100, but injectable versions can be 25-30% more expensive due to higher production costs associated with their manufacturing.

One of the bigger risks of purchasing Dianabol is the high availability of counterfeit products. Not all of the market is regulated, and many sell fake or low-quality versions of the compound, so it’s always best to buy from trusted suppliers. 

In the countries that consider steroids a controlled substance, like the U.S. and most of Europe, they will have a higher price and be available only through a black market version of the drug. On the other hand, countries like Thailand, Turkey, Egypt, Mexico, and some Eastern European nations have much looser regulations, meaning Dianabol is available over the counter and at a significantly lower cost.

  • United States: $60 – $110
  • United Kingdom: $60 – $100
  • Western Europe (Germany, France): $70 – $120
  • Eastern Europe (Bulgaria): $30 – $70
  • Thailand: $20 – $40
  • Mexico: $30 – $60


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