Drostanolone (Masteron)

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Drostanolone Propionate – The Perfect Roid for Cutting and Muscle Definition

Drostanolone Propionate, also known by its trade name Masteron, is a potent anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It is highly regarded for its ability to provide a lean, hard physique by enhancing muscle definition and reducing fat without causing water retention. Initially developed to treat breast cancer, Masteron has become a staple in bodybuilding for cutting cycles and pre-contest preparation.


  • Active Ingredient: Drostanolone Propionate
  • Dosage: 100mg/ml
  • Volume per Bottle: 10ml
  • Manufacturer: Genesis Meds

Why Buy Drostanolone Propionate? Key Features:

  • Enhances muscle hardness and definition
  • Reduces fat without causing water retention
  • Works as an anti-estrogen, minimizing estrogen-related side effects
  • Ideal for cutting cycles and pre-contest preparation
  • Helps maintain lean muscle mass during calorie deficits
  • Short-acting ester provides fast-acting results with frequent injections
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What Results Can You Expect from Drostanolone Propionate?

When used in cutting cycles, Drostanolone Propionate helps athletes achieve a leaner, more defined physique by promoting fat loss and preventing muscle wastage. Its anti-estrogenic properties reduce water retention, giving users a harder and drier look. Unlike other anabolic steroids, Drostanolone does not convert to estrogen, making it highly effective for bodybuilders seeking to avoid gynecomastia and water retention. Users report increased muscle density and vascularity, with noticeable results within the first few weeks of use.

Detailed description

Drostanolone Propionate is an injectable steroid best known for its cutting effects. It works by increasing protein synthesis and enhancing nitrogen retention, promoting muscle preservation while reducing fat. Since it doesn’t aromatize (convert to estrogen), users experience minimal water retention, resulting in a dry, sculpted physique.

Masteron is especially popular in the final stages of a cutting cycle or before a bodybuilding competition, where muscle definition and a lean appearance are the goals. The compound works synergistically with other steroids and is commonly stacked with Testosterone or Trenbolone to maximize cutting results.

Technical specifications

Property Specification
Active Ingredient Drostanolone Propionate
Dosage 300-500 mg per week
Cycle Duration 6-12 weeks
Form Injectable
Recommended for Cutting, muscle definition, strength
Suitable for Bodybuilders, athletes
Half-Life 2-3 days
Aromatization No (no conversion to estrogen)
Stacking Options Testosterone, Trenbolone, Winstrol
Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) Required to restore natural testosterone production
Common Side Effects Hair loss, acne, testosterone suppression, virilization in women
Metabolism Liver
Excretion Urine

What are the main benefits of Drostanolone Propionate?

  • Increased muscle definition. Drostanolone’s ability to reduce water retention and promote muscle hardness makes it an ideal choice for those looking to enhance muscle definition during a cutting cycle.
  • Fat loss and lean appearance. Masteron aids in fat metabolism, helping users achieve a leaner, more vascular physique without bloating or water retention.
  • Anti-estrogenic effects. Unlike other anabolic steroids, Drostanolone prevents estrogen-related side effects, such as gynecomastia and high blood pressure, making it safer for those sensitive to estrogen.
  • Enhanced strength.While it’s not typically used for bulking, Masteron can provide strength gains, helping athletes perform better in training and competition.

Drostanolone Propionate side effects

  • Androgenic side effects. Due to its strong androgenic properties, Masteron can cause hair loss, acne, and increased body hair growth, particularly in those genetically predisposed to such conditions.
  • Testosterone suppression. Like many anabolic steroids, Masteron can suppress natural testosterone production, making Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) essential to restore hormonal balance after a cycle.
  • Virilization in women. Female users should be cautious of virilization effects such as deepening of the voice and increased body hair. Lower doses are recommended for women to minimize these risks.

Drostanolone Propionate dosage

The standard dosage for Drostanolone Propionate ranges from 300-500 mg per week for men, divided into frequent injections due to its short half-life. Women typically use much lower doses, around 50 mg per week, to avoid virilization symptoms.

Looking for a leaner, more defined physique? Order Drostanolone Propionate (Masteron) today to enhance muscle hardness and achieve a shredded look during your cutting cycle!

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